Category: Misc Stuff
Dan Hendrickson on the Radio
Listen to an interview with Dan Hendrickson, author of Dark Glasses, on KFAI, recorded July 25th during their Write On! Radio program.
8 Reasons to join a writing group
Having someone read your writing, the words that you have poured your heart into, can be stressful. And the fear of criticism may be keeping you from joining a writing group, from putting yourself and your work on display for other people to scrutinize. Do not let it! If your hope is to present work… Continue reading 8 Reasons to join a writing group
Writing Conferences
Here are a handful of reasons why any aspiring author should attend a writing conference with some links thrown in to boot! Like in any profession, as well as most walks of life, the relationships we make have a significant impact on our development and success as individuals. The importance they hold for our growth as… Continue reading Writing Conferences
National Poetry Month discount on Ballistics Report by Henry Rifle
For National Poetry Month, we’re offering a discount on Ballistics Report, a poetry collection highlighting the comic stylings of Henry Rifle. The paperback version is half off ($5.50) or for a $1 ebook version of Ballistics Report, go to Smashwords and use coupon code FC45F — all formats are available. Summary: The American poet Henry… Continue reading National Poetry Month discount on Ballistics Report by Henry Rifle
Happy Holidays!
We will be on a bit of a hiatus over the holidays.
Can You Survive: Call of the Wild
While the second book in the Can You Survive series, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is printing, reviews for the first book, Call of the Wild, are piling up. You can read some of the reviews on the Ryan Jacobson’s blog. But here are some of my favorite excerpts . . . “The writing is… Continue reading Can You Survive: Call of the Wild
We’ve been shopping around for a new ereader, and here are the three things we wanted in our device: E-ink — what’s the point of having an eReader if you can’t use it to read outside, where we do much of our summer reading Touch screen — ideally the device would have both buttons and… Continue reading eReaders