Brandon gave us a nice shout out in his neighborhood paper, the Community Reporter. He’s this month’s featured artists.
Category: Reviews
Review — The Stray Pitch
A review of Marylin Bos’s mystery novel, The Stray Pitch, appeared in last month’s issue of Midwest Review of Books: Small Press Bookwatch. “The Stray Pitch is an intriguing novel of the women’s baseball league and the 1950s. Young Wendy is hired into the league, despite her lack of skill; her true purpose is not… Continue reading Review — The Stray Pitch
Review — King Biscuit
Mention of Michael Loyd Gray’s latest young adult novel, King Biscuit, will appear in the February issues of Midwest Review of Book: Children’s Book Watch. “With a drive for stardom, we grow up and learn so much so fast in the process. King Biscuit is a coming of age novel from Michael Loyd Gray as… Continue reading Review — King Biscuit
King Biscuit by Michael Loyd Gray
This month Michael Loyd Gray’s King Biscuit has the honor of being the highlighted title in the young adult category on Independent Publisher’s website. This title was released by Tempest Books, an imprint of Skywater Publishing, earlier this year. Summary: In King Biscuit, Michael Loyd Gray returns once again to his fictional burg of Argus, Illinois (the… Continue reading King Biscuit by Michael Loyd Gray
Blurb — King Bisuit
“It’s 1966. The Beatles have taken over the airways, Star Trek is in its first season on NBC, and 389,000 American troops are stationed in Vietnam. In Argus, Illinois, sixteen-year-old Billy Ray Fleener is facing a different kind of struggle: he is learning what it means to be a man. With a style that is… Continue reading Blurb — King Bisuit
Blurb — King Biscuit
“With King Biscuit, Michael Loyd Gray bores deeply into each of his characters, shoving aside all extraneous elements until we are left only with their humanity.“ —Monique Raphel High, author of Between Two Worlds
Blurb — King Biscuit
“Billy Ray had glimpsed the world outside Argus in books, on TV, and from firsthand accounts of people who’d escaped the gravitational pull of Argus and ventured out into the Great Beyond the Horizon. He longed to sail into the Winds of Chance to see where they deposited him. And so, dear Reader, read King… Continue reading Blurb — King Biscuit
Review — Mama Joy
Motherhood does something to you and rearranges your life completely. Mama Joy is a collection of poetry from Eileen Silver-Lillywhite, as she speaks on the transition to womanhood and into motherhood. With a certain honesty of life, Mama Joy is a fine pick for down to earth and thoughtful poetry. “Coda”: Snap roses. Carry/them to… Continue reading Review — Mama Joy