For National Poetry Month, we’re offering a discount on Ballistics Report, a poetry collection highlighting the comic stylings of Henry Rifle. The paperback version is half off ($5.50) or for a $1 ebook version of Ballistics Report, go to Smashwords and use coupon code FC45F — all formats are available.

by Henry Rifle
$5.50 — 978-0-9818279-9-5
(shipping and handling are free to U.S. residents)
(sample poem)
Mercutio’s Blues
It appears the earth was cast
by a thoughtful potter.
The moon, by a talented provincial
who never quite broke free of their orbit.
When the moon debuted,
it was almost certainly
panned universally.
‘Unaccomplished,’ I’m sure,
was a common review.
Other skeptics probably derided
the satellite’s
decided lack of artifice
– and criticized it’s orbit.
For centuries, it’s possible scarcely anyone
looked up to it at all.
Then, eventually, perhaps
it was the bohemians who rediscovered it.
Songs were composed, paintings
created, ripe poetry harvested
beneath its placid beams.
And, lo, over the course
of many, many centuries,
that moon
slowly became the focus
of countless hopes and dreams.
It hangs there gracefully yet today,
a glowing reminder that
yesterday’s disasters
sometimes prove to be
tomorrow’s masterpieces.