Mention of Michael Loyd Gray’s latest young adult novel, King Biscuit, will appear in the February issues of Midwest Review of Book: Children’s Book Watch.
“With a drive for stardom, we grow up and learn so much so fast in the process. King Biscuit is a coming of age novel from Michael Loyd Gray as he tells of the ambitious Billy Ray Fleener, who grows up in the tiny town of Argus, Illinois and finds many lessons of growing up the hard way. King Biscuit is a choice addition to general fiction collections focusing on stories set in the 1960s and during the Vietnam War. Also from Michael Lloyd Gray in his unique takes on stardom is Not Famous Anymore (978159581578, $14.00), following an actor as he tries to shove off his fame for good after growing sick of it.”

(shipping and handing are included in the cost of the book)