Flat Sole Studio has teamed up with Lake 7 Creative to produce a new line of books: Can You Survive?
As with many great ideas, this one was imagined over burgers and beer. Ryan Jacobson, founder of Lake 7 Creative, is part of a group of authors I meet up with now and then to explore some of the Twin Cities best burgers joints and hole-in-the-wall restaurants. And while most of the talk revolves around the food, we do hash out some ideas, talk about publishing trends, and discuss our current projects.
Well, Ryan has been working on chose-your-path books for Adventure Publications, and we were wondering how else we could expand on the idea of books where readers “chose” their own adventure. I’m not sure which one of us threw out the idea of classic stories: what if the readers were Jim in Treasure Island and had to successfully avoid blood-thirsty pirates to find the treasure, or what if they were Tom Sawyer, or Francis from Swiss Family Robinson . . .
And Can You Survive? was born. Our first book, Call of the Wild, will be released by the end of this month.